Medicine & Research

Medicine & Research

Oral Medications for MS Treatment

Today, there is a lot of excitement in the MS community because several oral products have shown promising results in clinical trials.
Medicine & Research

The Sunshine Vitamin: Vitamin D and MS

Consult with your healthcare professional and consider testing vitamin D levels in your blood to determine a supplementation schedule.
Medicine & Research

Updates by the Pharmacist HALT-MS Trial

MS Focus medical advisor Ellen Whipple, Pharm.D, discussed the HALT-MS .
Medicine & Research

What About the Side Effects?

No drug is completely without side effects.
Medicine & Research

When a Medication Fails, or Causes Complications

There are two basic reasons to consider switching MS treatments: You can't tolerate the side effects, or the medications aren’t working for you.
Medicine & Research

The Importance of Clinical Trials

The purpose of a clinical trial is to determine the safety of a particular medication and its efficacy against various diseases, medical conditions.
Medicine & Research

Keep Lumbar Puncture on Tap When You Suspect MS

Under what circumstances is lumbar puncture indicated in a patient with multiple sclerosis?
Medicine & Research

Lumbar Puncture: What You Need to Know

Also called a spinal tap, this is a test to analyze the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.
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