Medicine & Research

Medicine & Research

The Search For A Cause of MS

Finding a cause is more difficult than it may seem because the cause may be very complex, and there may be many causes.
Medicine & Research

Medication and Its Emotional Effects

Emotional problems, such as depression and anxiety, are very common in people with MS and can negatively affect their health and well-being.
Medicine & Research

Shades of Gray: Misconceptions, Misunderstandings

If you are unsure that you are on the right treatment path, do more research, ask questions until you feel comfortable with your decisions.
Medicine & Research

MS Medications and Oral Contraceptives

Various types of drug interactions can occur between birth control pills and prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal products.
Medicine & Research

Simple Diagnostic Test Unmasks MS Mimic

Neuromyelitis optica is an uncommon disease of the central nervous system that affects the optic nerves and spinal cord.
Medicine & Research

MS Drugs in the Pipeline: Focus on Progressive MS

Eighty-five percent of people with multiple sclerosis are originally diagnosed with a relapsing-remitting course of the disease.
Medicine & Research

Examining the Safety of Aspartame

Aspartame has undergone extensive testing. With the exception of a few very mild side effects, aspartame appears to be quite safe.
Medicine & Research

The Bare Facts About Coral Calcium

There is no scientific evidence that coral calcium can affect the body's pH, or that it is absorbed any better than other calcium supplements.
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