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Appreciation (not MS) is always in my sight

When I feel like mourning what I have lost, I flip the narrative and celebrate every facet of who I am and every person still with me since I was d...
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MS and Probiotics

Research has shown there are significant links between MS and gut health. 
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MS and Toxic Positivity

Toxic positivity can lead to a person being stuck in the denial stage and never truly accept their diagnosis.
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The season of grace

To enjoy the holiday season while managing MS and other situational stressors, consider the following strategies.
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MS lifehacks and workarounds

Tricks to help you get through the holidays and beyond
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Give thanks, even when MS makes you forget

I know memory issues can be frustrating, and I thank you for your support even if I forget what I am thanking you for.
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To Eat the Cake or Not

It's important to strike a balance between indulgence and health and by choosing to go for a healthier alternative instead of traditional holiday m...
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MS and Fighting Stigma

You have influence over how people view MS. Be strong and let them see that you have MS, but MS does not have you.
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