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PIRA has the potential to change the approach to treating and understanding progression in relapsing forms of MS.
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Shared experiences: People don’t need to “get us”

Are we missing out on a broader view of who we each are as individuals with MS if we limit ourselves to looking solely at the people in our shared ...
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To drink or not to drink alcohol with MS

The most common answer to this question is that alcohol use in moderation is best.
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Know when to review MS treatment plan

Find out situations that call for a new MS treatment plan and how to prepare for one.
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MS and Getting Cold Feet (Cold Sensitivity)

If you are like me, and unable to get warm on your own, here are some tips that may help.
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Driving and MS 

I live alone and I used to get jealous when hearing about others who have people around them to drive and help bring people together. That’s not al...
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MS and the Secrets We Keep

By letting the secret go, you are accepting that you have MS and that it is okay.
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Tips for managing vision problems

As it is important to address holistic well-being with MS, caring for eye health is necessary. Here are a few tips to help you get started.
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