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Achieve Relaxation Through Breath Meditation

Ready to give breath meditation a try? Here are 15 steps to help you get started.
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Mother’s Day, multiple sclerosis, and motherhood

May your journey be a successful one with the tools needed to minimize symptoms and disease progression readily available for use.
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Integrative Medicine and MS

A blend of conventional medicine and CAM therapies have helped me achieve the best quality of life in my battle against MS.
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22 Things to Know About Massage Therapy

Here’s some information and advice you may want to consider before you book your first appointment.
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I Believe You Even Though I Can’t See

I will believe you even if I can’t see your illness and pain. Let’s believe people instead of judging them.
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13 Truths About Pseudo-Exacerbations

Here’s some useful information to help you learn the difference between a pseudo-exacerbation and a real one.
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MS and Heat

To you, living with MS, the summer can spell doom. Why is it that those of us living with MS suffer from heat intolerance?
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Understanding and avoiding Uhthoff’s phenomenon

If your symptoms flare up when you get hot, you may be experiencing Uhthoff's phenomenon.
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