Researchers seek participants for MS and sexual health survey

November 03, 2023
NYU Langone Health is conducting a survey to understand how women with multiple sclerosis would like to learn about sexual health related to their disease with the ultimate goal of creating one (or more) educational tools for patients. 

Participant requirements:
  • Must have definitive diagnosis of MS
  • Must be born female and identify as female 
  • Must be between the age 18-100 years

The survey takes about 20 minutes to complete. The survey asks questions about current disease status, current sexual health, and preferences regarding sexual education. The data will be analyzed at the conclusion of the study and used to guide in the creation of one or more educational interventions about sexual health for women with MS.

The survey is completely anonymous. There are no identifiers collected in the survey beyond basic demographics. All data is stored within a redcaps database. 

The survey can be accessed via this link:

For more information, email

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